AngularJS Helpful Links

See the original article on my blog

During the work with this awesome framework I have accumulated a large number of interesting articles, tutorials, resources and tools. Now I share the best of them with you with a hope that they will bring you a benefit too.

Enjoy AngularJS!

Table of Contents

  1. Beginning
  2. Building
  3. Articles
  4. Series
  5. Cources, videos and books
  6. Communities & News
  7. Best practices & Style guides
  8. Tools
  9. Versions
  10. Conferences
  11. Lists of resources


  1. Official AngularJS Tutorial + Developer Guide
  2. Ultimate guide to learning AngularJS in one day
  3. AngularJS Tutorial: A Comprehensive 10,000 Word Guide - probably the best AngularJS tutorial by Todd Motto (google developer expert)
  4. A Better Way to Learn AngularJS - this course is built with the intent of exposing you to the best available resources on each Angular topic
  5. How to Learn AngularJS - this guide is written to be your roadmap; your personal guide of how to learn AngularJS


  1. Learn to Build a Real-Time Reddit Clone
  2. Learn Angular by Building a Gmail Clone
  3. Learn to Build Modern Web Apps with MEAN
  4. Build custom directives with AngularJS - a step by step guide to creating custom directive
  5. Building Hacker News With Angularjs
  6. Building a data-driven SVG map with AngularJS
  7. Build Chrome Apps with AngularJS - guide by Google Chrome team


  1. Debugging AngularJS Apps from the Console
  2. An AngularJS app with Browserify and Gulp
  3. Scaffolding, Building, and Testing
  4. An Introduction To Unit Testing In AngularJS Applications
  5. How do search engines deal with AngularJS applications?
  6. A Developer’s Guide to Perform SEO on AngularJS Web Apps
  7. AngularJS DOM manipulation with jqLite
  8. Require.js packages for building large scale angular applications
  9. Running From AngularJS Memory Leaks
  10. JavaScript Promises and AngularJS $q Service
  11. Integrating Web Components with AngularJS
  12. Exception Handling in an AngularJS Web Application
  13. An in-depth tutorial on Angular.js Scope


  1. Angular JS blog series
From beginner to expert in 7 steps
Angular Web Console hacking
Looking under the hood

Cources, videos and books

  1. Codecademy AngularJS Track
  2. AngularJS cources on the Pluralsight
  3. Angular Course: Launch a full product with AngularJS
  4. Introduction to Angular.js in 50 Examples: screencast #1, screencast #2, code, all examples presented in a convenient way
  5. Building a Web App From Scratch With AngularJS
  6. AngularJS Youtube Channel - updates and tutorials about AngularJS from the source
  7. ng-book - the in-depth, complete, and up-to-date book on AngularJS
  8. Recipes with AngularJS - a free book provides a variety of AngularJS recipes and use cases

Communities & News

  1. AngularJS on Reddit - the best way to interact with the community, get latest news interesting articles and opinions from the AngularJS world
  2. AngularJS Google Group
  3. ng-newsletter - the free, weekly newsletter of the best AngularJS content on the web + articles
  4. The AngularJS Magazine - Flipboard magazine about AngularJS
  5. Scotch - a neat site to get tips and tricks for web development, especially for AngularJS
  6. AngularJS Tutorials on Tuts+
  7. AngularJS Tutorial - awesome tutorials

Best practices & Style guides

  1. The Top 10 Mistakes AngularJS Developers Make
  2. Best Practices for Building AngularJS Apps
  3. Best Practice for App Structure - Google's best practice recommendations for AngularJS app structure
  4. AngularJS Best Practices: Directory Structure
  5. Advanced Design Patterns and Best Practices
  6. 10 AngularJS Patterns
  7. ng-demos - variety of angular demos by John Papa
  8. The GoCardless AngularJS style guide + official style guide repo on GitHub
  9. Opinionated AngularJS style guide for teams + official style guide repo on GitHub (all future style guide updates will be here)
  10. AngularJS style guide - a starting point for AngularJS development teams to provide consistency through good practices


  1. AngularJS Batarang - the Chrome Developer Tools extension for debugging and profiling AngularJS applications
  2. ng-inspector - the AngularJS inspector pane for your browser
  3. Plunker - online community for creating, collaborating on and sharing your web development ideas + AngularJS template
  4. AngularJS Cheat Sheet
  5. Official AngularJS API Reference
  6. Angular Modules - repository of AngularJS modules
  7. AngularUI - immensely helpful companion suites to the AngularJS framework
  8. ng-boilerplate - a kickstarter for AngularJS projects


  1. Exploring Angular 1.3: One-time bindings
  2. Exploring Angular 1.3: Ng-model-options
  3. AngularJS 2 Core presentation
  4. AngularJS 2 status and preview


  1. Speeches from ng-conf 2014
  2. Speeches from ng-europe 2014
  3. Collaborative notes taken at ng-europe 2014
  4. ng-europe 2014 summary - talk summaries, slides, photos and twitter handles of all speakers (all in one convenient place)

Lists of resources

  1. The Big List of AngularJS Resources
  2. AngularJS-Learning - a bunch of links to blog posts, articles, videos, etc for learning AngularJS