
Ultra-lightweight object oriented framework for GNU C. Zlib license.

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

*** mingw port ***

yum -y install @c-development @development-tools wget mingw64-curl mingw64-libgnurx.noarch
git clone https://github.com/maci0/objectively.git
cd objectively
autoreconf -i
./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --prefix=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/


Ultra-lightweight object oriented framework for GNU C.

Foundation-inspired core library.

Zlib license.

Adding Objectively to your project

  1. Do the Autotools dance.
./configure; make; sudo make install
  1. Include the main header file in your source.
#include <Objectively.h>
  1. Compile and link with Objectively.
gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs Objectively` -o myprogram *.c

Declaring a type

Types in Objectively are comprised of 3 components:

  1. The instance struct, beginning with the parent type, the type interface and then any additional instance variables.
 * @brief The Hello type.
struct Hello {

	 * @brief The parent.
	Object object;

	 * @brief The typed interface.
	HelloInterface *interface;

	 * @brief The greeting.
	const char *greeting;
  1. The interface struct, beginning with the parent interface, followed by any Class or instance methods.
 * @brief The Hello interface.
struct HelloInterface {

	 * @brief The parent.
	ObjectInterface objectInterface;

	 * @brief A factory method for instantiating Hello.
	 * @return A new Hello with the given `greeting`.
	 * @relates Hello
	Hello *(*helloWithGreeting)(const char *greeting);

	 * @brief Initializes this Hello with the given `greeting`.
	 * @return The initialized Hello, or `NULL` on error.
	 * @relates Hello
	Hello *(*initWithGreeting)(Hello *self, const char *greeting);

	 * @brief Prints this Hello's greeting to the console.
	 * @relates Hello
	void (*sayHello)(const Hello *self);
  1. The class descriptor, serving to tie 1) and 2) together.
 * @brief The Hello Class.
extern Class _Hello;

Implementing a type

To implement a type, implement its instance and Class methods and Class initializer:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <Objectively.h>

#define _Class _Hello

 * @see HelloInterface::helloWithGreeting(const char *)
static Hello *helloWithGreeting(const char *greeting) {
	return $(alloc(Hello), initWithGreeting, greeting);

 * @see HelloInterface::initWithGreeting(Hello *, const char *)
static Hello *initWithGreeting(Hello *self, const char *greeting) {

	self = (Hello *) super(Object, self, init);
	if (self) {
		self->greeting = greeting ? : "Hello World!";
	return self;

 * @see HelloInterface::sayHello(const Hello *)
static void sayHello(const Hello *self) {
	printf("%s\n", self->greeting);

#pragma mark - Class lifecycle

 * @see Class::initialize(Class *)
static void initialize(Class *clazz) {

	HelloInterface *hello = (HelloInterface *) clazz->interface;

	hello->helloWithGreeting = helloWithGreeting;
	hello->initWithGreeting = initWithGreeting;
	hello->sayHello = sayHello;

Class _Hello = {
	.name = "Hello",
	.superclass = &_Object,
	.instanceSize = sizeof(Hello),
	.interfaceOffset = offsetof(Hello, interface),
	.interfaceSize = sizeof(HelloInterface),
	.initialize = initialize,
#undef _Class

Using a type

Hello *hello = $$(Hello, helloWithGreeting, NULL);

$(hello, sayHello);


See Hello.c for the full source to this example.


There is no explicit setup or teardown with Objectively. To instantiate a type, simply call alloc from anywhere in your program. The first time a type is instantiated, an optional Class initializer, initialize, is called. Use initialize to setup your interface, override methods, or initialize a library your class wraps. When your application terminates, an optional Class destructor, destroy, is also called.

Invoking an instance method

To invoke an instance method, use the $ macro.

    $(condition, waitUntilDate, date);

Invoking a Class method

To invoke a Class method, use the $$ macro.

    Dictionary *dict = $$(JSONSerialization, objectWithData, data);

Overriding a method

To override a method, overwrite the function pointer from within your Class' initialize method.

    ((ObjectInterface *) clazz->interface)->dealloc = dealloc;
    ((ObjectInterface *) clazz->interface)->isEqual = isEqual;

Calling super

To invoke a supertype's method implementation, use the super macro.

    super(Object, self, dealloc);

Managing memory

Objectively uses reference counting to govern object retention. Newly instantiated Objects have a reference count of 1. To retain a strong reference to an Object, call retain(obj). To relinquish it, call release(obj). Once an Object's reference count reaches 0, it is deallocated. Remember to balance every retain with a release.

Shared instances

A shared instance or singleton pattern can be achieved through Class methods and release-on-destroy.

static URLSession *_sharedInstance;

 * @see URLSessionInterface::sharedInstance(void)
static *URLSession sharedInstance(void) {
    static Once once;

	DispatchOnce(once, {
		_sharedInstance = $(alloc(URLSession), init);

	return _sharedInstance;

 * @see Class::destroy(Class *)
static void destroy(Class *clazz) {

// ...

URLSession *session = $$(URLSession, sharedInstance);

See Once.h for details on DispatchOnce.

API documentation

The API documentation can be browsed online or generated with Doxygen by running make html.