
Forums For You (on Google App Engine)

Primary LanguagePython


This is a fork of Krzystof Kowalczyk's FoFou forum software modified for my own personal needs.

This code can be see live at Terminally Incoherent Forums.

Original Project Information

For more info on the original project see: http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/fofou/

Fofou (Forums For You) is a simple forum software inspired by Joel On Software forum software.

It's mostly a port of FruitShow PHP forum to Google App Engine.

Where can I see it in action?

Forums for Sumatra PDF viewer are powered by Fofou


Fofou runs on Google App Engine infrastructure. You need to get App Engine account and upload fofou (see AppEngine Documentation for details).

Once installed, you can create one or more forums through web interface.

Deployment philosophy.

Fofou isn't designed as a forum hosting platform for hosting hundreds of forums for many people.

It's designed to host a few forums for one person so the owner of App Engine account is implicitly an admin for all forums hosted from that account.

Design philosophy.

You'll quickly see that Fofou differs in many ways from most common forum software. There are good reasons for the differences and Joel Spolsky describes those reasons in great detail


The python code is written completely by me and is in Public Domain.

Html/css/js files are mostly lifted from FuitShow, so they fall under FruitShow's BSD license.


Fofou is open-source so if you want to improve the code, contribute more skins etc., fork http://github.com/kjk/fofou/tree/master and create pull request.