
This repository contains code and data accompanying the paper "Forbidden conductors of L-functions and continued fractions of particular form", cf. http://doi.org//10.4064/aa220721-30-9

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This repository contains code and data accompanying the paper "Forbidden conductors of L-functions and continued fractions of particular form" by J. Kaczorowski, A. Perelli and M. Radziejewski, http://doi.org//10.4064/aa220721-30-9 supported by the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, by the MIUR grant PRIN-2017 Geometric, algebraic and analytic methods in arithmetic and by grant 2021/41/B/ST1/00241 from the National Science Centre, Poland. The description is available on a slightly different license, along with the copies of the same files, at https://maciejr.web.amu.edu.pl/computations/conductors/ .