
Google spreadsheet -> Slack notification bot

Primary LanguageGo

Example config:

  "configs": [
      "selectRange": "A1:D11", // spreadsheet range taken into consideration, rows without dates in "datesCol" are ignored
      "groupName": "group", // name of the user group that will be assigned
      "notifyChannel": "channel", // channel for schedule notifications, no notification if omitted
      "namesRow": 1, // row with names list
      "datesCol": "A", // column with dates
      "spreadsheetID": "1VYs24HCPuWz4GVs1Q0rRyVDQI6QwURt8wPBEs9vY0io", // spreadsheet id 
      "keepWhenMissing": true, // if there is missing assignment for a day "true" will keep existing assignments rather than unassigning everyone
      "notifyUsers": true, // true - notify users in direct message about todays schedule (during "assignGroups" action)
      "assignCharacter": "o" // character that is expected to indicate actual assignment
    } ...
  "googleCredentials": {
    "client_id": "...",
    "project_id": "...",
    "client_secret": "..."
  }, // or "googleAPIKey"
  "slackAccessAPIKey": "xoxp-...",
  "slackBotAPIKey": "xoxb-..."

Spreadsheet ID

in this url: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VYs24HCPuWz4GVs1Q0rRyVDQI6QwURt8wPBEs9vY0io/ ID is 1VYs24HCPuWz4GVs1Q0rRyVDQI6QwURt8wPBEs9vY0io. This is also demo spreadsheet with expected format for example config.

Required Slack app scopes:

Create Slack app here: https://api.slack.com/apps?new_app=1 Due to Slack approach to user group management (ie. only owners/admins can modify it) it is required to have both user and bot scoped clients.

Bot scopes:


User scopes:


User scope should be created by workspace admin.

Required Google API scopes:

Create Google project here https://console.developers.google.com/ API key (googleAPIKey) should be enough fo read-only access of globally accessible spreadsheets.

OAuth credentials has to be created for organization scoped spreadsheets.

Add Spreadsheets API and following OAuth scope:


Add OAuth2 Web client ID with http://localhost:9000/cb added to Authorised redirect URIs. Copy required fields to googleCredentials.

First run perform OAuth2 credentials exchange and create additional token file (CLI only).

AWS Lambda:

It is possible to deploy app on AWS Lambda, just build lambda.go rather than main.go. Lambda app will store sensitive data in SSM Parameter store, to use it create two params in SSM:

  • /bot_config_prefix/config - with config json
  • /bot_config_prefix/token - with token (authorize and generate using CLI)

then pass prefix (/bot_config_prefix/ in this example) as SSM_KEY_PREFIX env variable to lambda function.

Usage summary:

Usage of ./spbot:
      assign Slack groups for schedule in spreadsheet
  -config string
      config file (default "config.json")
      notify Slack channels about schedule for this week
      notify Slack channels about schedule for next week
      notify Slack channels about schedule for today
      print textual schedule for this week
      print textual schedule for next week
      print textual schedule for today