New Relic monitoring for cfengine client performance.
disksize/cfengine - cfengine installation disk size
cpu/loadaverage/1m - system wide loadaverage 1 minute
cpu/loadaverage/5m - system wide loadaverage 5 minutes
cpu/loadaverage/15m - system wide loadaverage 15 minutes
cpu/tasks/active - number of currently runnable kernel scheduling entities (processes, threads)
cpu/tasks/total - number of kernel scheduling entities that currently exist on the system
memory/rss/average/'command_name' - RSS memory usage, sampled by 1s, if NewRelic sampling inerval is larger, 1s samples are averaged. Unit: [KB]
memory/rss/max/'command_name' - Max RSS memory usage, sampled by 1s, if NewRelic sampling inerval is larger, largest sample is reported. Unit: [KB]
Requires golang toolchain.
sudo apt-get install golang
go get
go get
go build
- -interval=1: Sampling interval [min]
- -key="": Newrelic license key (required)
- -verbose=false: Verbose mode
To deamonize in backgrund you can use:
nohup ./cfclientmonitor -key=<my_newrelic_key> >/dev/null 2>&1 &
Depends on:
- 'du' command
- /proc/loadavg
- 'ps -aux' with 6th column RSS and 11th column command name