

Getting started docs

Introductory material to bicep

What is Bicep? - Microsoft Docs

Get started with Bicep - Github

Reference docs

Reference documentation covering authoring each part of the template, such as parameters, variables, resources, functions, output...

Bicep Docs - Github

Bicep Docs - Microsoft Docs

ARM Template References - Microsoft Docs

Training modules

Microsoft Learn training modules covering bicep Deploy and manage resources in Azure by using Bicep - MS Learn


Tools for working with and authoring bicep templates

Bicep VS Code Extension - VS Code extension enabiling intelisense, snippets and error checking of bicep files.

Bicep CLI - Windows - Windows version of the bicep CLI used for compiling and decompiling templates. Required to directly deploy bicep files using Azure PowerShell/CLI

Bicep Playground - online bicep compiler - Online bicep compiler with bicep and compiled json side by side. Great for discovering differences between bicep and json.



Install the bicep CLI (linked above) and use build bicep <filename> to build .bicep to .json or bicep decompile <filename> to go the other way.

bicep build src/demo.bicep


Install the bicep CLI and Build using bicep build <file>

- script: |
    curl -Lo bicep.bin
    chmod +x ./bicep.bin
    sudo mv ./bicep.bin /usr/local/bin/bicep
    bicep --help
  displayName: 'Install Bicep CLI'
- script: |
    bicep build src/demo.bicep


To deploy the template locally or in pipeline there are two main options:

  • compile the template into json and deploy in the same way you deploy json templates
  • install the bicep CLI and deploy using Azure PowerShell (New-AzResourceGroupDeployment) or Azure CLI (az deployment group create)
az deployment group create -f ./src/demo.bicep -g bicepdemo