
Primary LanguageShell

Containerization with Docker and Kubernetes Workshop

1. Environment Setup

Connect to remote lab environment from VS Code by following the instructions in below link

VS Code Setup for Remote Workshop

2. Setup your default namespace. (as we're sharing a cluster)

  • Create a namespace with unique name. (for example, using a combination of your first-name and first-letter of your surname)

    only use lower-case letters and dashes

    # for example, john-h or jane-s
    kubectl create namespace <your-firstname-and-initial> 
    # use your own namespace as a default 
    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<your-namespace-name>

    # test it. below should return `No resources found in <your-namespace>`
    kubectl get pods

3. Keep the lab guide open in a separate tab and use the online (github) version as source of truth

Keep this link open in a separate tab or window: https://github.com/suren-m/cw/tree/master/labs