
IBM Control Desk V7.6.1 with WebSphere Liberty Docker Repository

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Building and deploying an IBM Control Desk V7.6.1 with Liberty image to Docker

This is an experimental version. It does not work properly. At this time we can't fully run ICD on Liberty!

Current state

At this stage does start, but pages that are related to ICD are rendered incorrectly. All maximo-originated pages are OK, but all ICD-specific shows rendering errors. This is due to lack of support for ICD on Liberty, as officialy stated by IBM's support. We need to wait until it arrives, or put more effort to extend the WAR file creation. Official Liberty support is expected in late 2019/early 2020. ICD's Service Portal also starts succesfully, but than it does not allow to login into the system. This should be diagnosed further. The main ICD module is available at port 80, but Service Portal has been moved to port 88.

There are many unnecessary steps/packages in the image creation process - this is done intentionally to provide some debug tools for whole process. They will be cleared in the future.


This project is heavily based on nishi2go/maximo-liberty-docker - altered for IBM Control Desk to work. All credits goes to nishi2go, he did 90% of the work required for ICD to start. My fork does not support building of pure Maximo, only ICD installation is to be supported. I don't support building on Windows either.

ICD with Liberty on Docker enables to run Control Desk with WebSphere Liberty on Docker. The images are deployed fine-grained services instead of single instance. The following instructions describe how to set up IBM Control Desk V7.6.1 Docker images. This images consist of several components e.g. WebSphere Liberty, Db2, and ICD installation program.

Before you start, please check the official guide in technotes first (it is only for Maximo and is not sufficient for ICD to run). Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1 WebSphere Liberty Support

Componets of Docker Images

Required packages

  1. IBM Installation Manager binaries from Installation Manager 1.8 download documents
  • agent.installer.linux.gtk.x86_64_1.8.9004.20190423_2015.zip
  1. IBM Control Desk V7.6.1 binaries from Passport Advantage

    ICD V7.6.1 binaries:

    • launchpad_761adv_part1.tar.tar
    • icd_launchpad_part2_common.tar.tar

    IBM WebSphere Liberty base license V9 binaries:

  • wlp-base-license.jar

IBM Db2 Advanced Workgroup Edition V11.1 binaries:

  • Middl_Inst_DB2_111_Linux_x86-64.tar.gz
  1. Fix Pack binaries from Fix Central

IBM ICD V7.6.1 Fix pack 1 binaries:

  • icd_7.6.1.1_part1_adv.zip
  • icd_7.6.1.1_part2_linux64.zip

Building IBM ICD V7.6.1 with Liberty image by using build tool

You can use a tool for building docker images by using the build tool.


Usage: build-icd.sh [OPTIONS] [DIR]

-c | --check            Check required packages [not supported at this moment]
-C | --deepcheck        Check and compare checksum of required packages [not supported at this moment]
-r | --remove           Remove images when an image exists in repository [not supported at this moment]
-J | --disable-jms      Disable JMS configurations in application servers
-d | --check-dir [DIR]  The directory for validating packages (Docker for Windows only) [not supported at this moment]
-v | --verbose          Output verbosity in docker build
-h | --help             Show this help text


  1. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/maciejs20/icd-liberty-docker
  2. Go to the directory

    cd icd-liberty-docker
  3. Place the downloaded ICD, IBM Db2, IBM Installation Manager and IBM WebSphere Liberty License binaries to a "images" directory directly

  4. Run build tool

    bash build-icd.sh [-v] [home of image directory]


    build-icd.sh -v $(pwd)
  5. Edit docker-compose.yml to enable optional servers e.g. maximo-api, maximo-report and etc.

  6. Test Your build with

    docker-compose up --abort-on-container-exit
  7. Run containers by using the Docker Compose file to create and deploy instances:

    docker-compose up -d

    Note: It will take 3-4 hours (depend on your machine) to complete the installation.

    You can scale servers with docker-compose --scale option.

    docker-compose up -d --scale maximo-ui=2
  8. Make sure to be accessible to ICD login page: http://hostname/maximo (hostname is a name/ip of the host that You're running Your docker)

  9. Make sure to be accessible to ICD SP login page: http://hostname:88/portal (hostname is a name/ip of the host that You're running Your docker)

Skip the maxinst process in starting up the maxdb container by using Db2 restore command

Maxinst program supports to initialize and create a Maximo database that called during the "deployConfiguration" process in the Maximo installer. This process is painfully slow because it creates more than thousand tables from scratch. To skip the process, you can use a backup database to restore during first boot time in a maxdb service. So then, it can reduce the creation time for containers from second time.


  1. Build container images first (follow above instructions)
  2. Move to the cloned directory.
    cd icd-liberty-docker
  3. Make a backup directory.
    mkdir ./backup
  4. Uncomment the following volume configuration in docker-compose.yml.
          - type: bind
            source: ./backup
            target: /backup
  5. Run containers by using the Docker Compose file. (follow above instructions)
  6. Take a backup from the maxdb service by using a backup tool.
    docker-compose exec maxdb /work/backup.sh maxdb76 /backup
    Note: Backup image must be only one in the directory. Backup task must fail when more than two images in it.

So that, now you can create the containers from the backup image that is stored in the directory.

To do

  1. HTTPS for maximo and service Portal
  2. Refine the volumes for MAXDB - improve startup time
  3. Wait for IBM to provide support for Liberty with ICD
  4. Port installation for Kubernetes