
Magical 🪄 command line toolkit for developing 🍃 Spring Boot apps

Just 🚀

Just is a smart zero config command line interface for running Spring Boot applications in development mode (and more).

Its goal is to speed up developing applications with Spring Boot by automating common activities that occur during development.

🌍 Project Website | 📗 Documentation

🛠 How to install

On MacOS:

$ brew install maciejwalkowiak/brew/just

On Windows:

$ scoop install maciejwalkowiak/just

More details & Linux installation steps: https://just.maciejwalkowiak.com/docs/install/

🏃‍♂️ How to use

In the terminal go to your project directory and execute:

$ just run

More information in documentation including other commands: just build, just format, just kill.

🙏 How to help

Try it out, play with your projects and whenever you find an issue please file it here: https://github.com/maciejwalkowiak/just/issues