Megaron S.A. — take-home recruitment task

Hello and thank you for your interest in joining our team!

We've prepared a very brief development challenge designed to test your proficiency in the basics of JavaScript, TypeScript and React.

The task shouldn't take more than an hour to complete.


There's an event scheduling service that exposes an API. The API lists all events scheduled for a given day. The job of this app is to gather the event data and present a summary to the user.

You don't need to access the service via HTTP. We've provided an API client stub — details below.


getCalendarEvents is the only function in the API. You specify the day by passing a date and it returns a promise that resolves to an array of CalendarEvent objects.

interface CalendarEvent {
  uuid: string;
  title: string;
  durationInMinutes: number;

function getCalendarEvents(day: Date): Promise<CalendarEvent[]>;

The API client is located under src/api-client. Please do not modify it.

Your task

Implement the CalendarSummary view. Its purpose is to display a table summarizing all the events scheduled for the next 7 days (including the current date). The summary should consist of:

  • The number of events on a given day.
  • Total duration of all events on a given day (in minutes).
  • Title of the longest event of the day.

The last row should show the same kind of summary for the entire week.

The table may look something like this:

Date Number of events Total duration [min] Longest event
2023-11-10 7 321 Lorem ipsum
2023-11-11 3 123 dolor sit
... ... ... ...
Total 26 1230 Lorem ipsum


This repository already contains all the boilerplate you need. Use npm install to install the dependencies and npm start to run the application.

You may install additional npm packages if you deem it necessary.


  • The app needs to run without any unhandled exceptions.
  • The app needs to display the summary table, as described above.
  • Make the code as clean and as readable as you can.

Good luck!