
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

HoMM III monster duel simulator

Current results of all simulations are in scores/scores.csv

Python 3 is required.


CRTRAITS.TXT - creatures data. Cleaned up and slightly modified version, the format is a bit different than the original file from the game.

report.html, report.ipynb - full description of what this thing does

combat.py, unit.py - the actual code

calculate_scores.py - script for scores calculation. You need numpy and pandas for that.

fight_sim.py - essential functions, in one simple file. I created it to make the conversion to Javascript easier (http://www.transcrypt.org/).

misc/ - crap

scores/ - simulation results

Refer to report.html or report.ipynb for details. I have an browser demo for all of this, but it's not live yet.