
Example Spring application with a Vaadin front-end and jOOQ back-end

Primary LanguageShell


This example shows how to use a jOOQ-based back-end in Vaadin applications.

For detailed instuctions, read the tutorial at https://vaadin.com/blog/-/blogs/vaadin-jooq-implementing-business-web-applications-in-plain-java

Compiling and executing the application

Should have installed Maven and MySQL Server.

Before compiling the application, create a new database schema:


Create the following table:

CREATE TABLE customer(
    id SERIAL, first_name VARCHAR(255),
    last_name VARCHAR(255)

Add some test data:

INSERT INTO customer(first_name, last_name) VALUES('Lukas', 'Eder');
INSERT INTO customer(first_name, last_name) VALUES('Mario', 'Fusco');
INSERT INTO customer(first_name, last_name) VALUES('Edson', 'Yanaga');
INSERT INTO customer(first_name, last_name) VALUES('Anton', 'Arhipov');
INSERT INTO customer(first_name, last_name) VALUES('Andres', 'Almiray');

Compile (this will also generate jOOQ code) and run with Maven:

mvn package spring-boot:run

The web application should be available at http://localhost:8080