
Docker image to execute jmeter test plans

Primary LanguageShell


The idea of this image is give a machine to execute the tests without install a lot of stuff in your test machine.
Here you will need only docker.


If the image is available in Docker hub you will only need to execute the docker-compose.yml file.

Otherwise you will need to execute locally the build-image.sh


Open docker-compose.yml file and change theses variables:

Environment variables

  • PROPS_PATH=user.properties
  • JMX_FILE=YourTestPlan.jmx
  • YML_FILE=user.yml
  • JTL_FILE=kpi.jtl
  • RUN_TEST=true
  • REPORT_FOLDER=report
  • HEAP=-Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m


  • /your/jmx/location:/opt/jmx
  • /your/result/location:/opt/results

How it works


On the JMX volume folder you will haver your JMX file (in case you haver more than one, you must to use the environment varila JMX_FILE to specify the right file), the user.properties file (same way, need to specify the name in the environment variable PROPS_PATH) and your input data folder (with your CSV files).

This will the base to run your tests, so, all configuration of your properties file will to be used on this test run.

On the results folder the image will place all results and logs files generated during the tests.
When the test finish it will generate the report of your test execution.

Environment variables


If you change it, the image will only generate the report of the test execution.

If you would like to execute your test using blaze meter taurus (bzt), set the variable USE_BLAZE_METER to true.


You can use this image to generate report, but, imagine that you executed the test plan in a lot of machines, so, if you set this variable as true and put all JTL files in the result folder, the image will generate a new file with the name setted in JTL_FILEvariable and generate the report using this file.


The default value is report. Change it to have different reports, for example.