
The fastest, most advanced, shielded wallet for Zcash

Main Features

  • Warp Sync: Ultra fast synchronization algorithm able to scan the entire blockchain in a few minutes. Several times faster than the second fastest Zcash wallet
  • Transparent and Shielded Address support
  • Scalable Design: Supports thousands of transactions and received notes
  • Low Requirements: Android 7.0+, 2 GB of RAM

Other Features

  • Multi-account
  • Watch only account from viewing key
  • Import seed phrase (ZIP 32 compliant) or secret key (Zcashd standard)
  • One touch transparent account shielding
  • Snap (i.e. diversified) addresses
  • Show equivalent in Fiat currencies (USD, EUR, JPY, RMB, etc.)
  • Display and select notes (Coin Control)
  • Transaction History
  • Memo, Split Notes
  • Account Balance History
  • Largest Past Payees Chart
  • Trading P/L Charts and Reports
  • Contact Address Book
  • Themes
  • Customizable anchor offset
  • Localization in English, Spanish, Chinese, (more to come)
  • Fluent and Responsive UI

Privacy Features

  • No data upload
  • All information recoverable from seed phrase or secret key
  • Customizable lightwalletd server URL