A curated collection of the best stuff from the Wails ecosystem and community.
- wails-template-vue - A wails template based on Vue and Vue-Router
- My App - Wails v2 with Systray and Gin for backend & API + Vue3 with monorepo structure for frontend.
- Cantor - Personal image bed app based on wails + vue + github-api.
- DevToolKit - This repository contains a desktop application with many useful tools for software developers.
- Justnotes - A markdown editor similar to typora
- Optimus - Image compression, optimization and conversion desktop app.
- Triangula GUI - A lightweight app which uses Triangula to generate triangulated images and Wails for the frontend.
- Modal File Manager - A vim styled file manager that is extensable and themeable.
- EmailIt - A simple markdown email sender only with notepads, templates, and text manipulating scripts.
- ScriptBar - xBar done in a single window with outputs from a Node-Red server
- Bulletin Board - A simple messaging dialog with user created templates.
- Owlly - Let your Slack team know .env changes instantly with one single binary.
- Surrealist - An easy to use desktop app to build and test your SurrealDB queries
- Xiaobaitu AI - An easy-to-use artificial intelligence app