
iterutils is a Go library that provides utilities for working with iterators

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Go Reference

iterutils is a Go library that provides utilities for working with iterators (iter.Seq and iter.Seq2). It offers various functions to simplify iteration, transform sequences, and handle concurrent operations. This library is designed to enhance the flexibility and performance of your Go applications by providing easy-to-use iterator utilities.


To install iterutils, use go get:

go get github.com/mackee/iterutils


  • FromNexter: Convert traditional iteration objects into iter.Seq.
  • FromNexter2: Convert traditional iteration objects returning pairs of values into iter.Seq2.
  • FromTryNexter2: Handle iteration with error handling, converting objects that return both a value and an error into iter.Seq2.
  • NexterWithT: Wrap existing iteration types to allow their use with functions like FromNexter.
  • TryNexterWithT: Wrap iteration types that return values and errors, allowing their use with FromTryNexter2.
  • async.Map: Apply a function to each element of an iterator asynchronously.
  • async.Map2: Apply a function to each pair of elements from a sequence asynchronously.


Basic Example

package main

import (

func main() {
    // MyNexter is an object that implements the Next() method
    myNexter := &MyNexter{}
    // MyTransform is a function that transforms the value returned by MyNexter.Next()
    itr := iterutils.FromNexter(myNexter, myTransform)
    // myAsyncTransform is a function that takes lots of time to process but can be executed concurrently
    asyncIter := async.Map(itr, myAsyncTransform)

    for elem := range asyncSeq {


Converts a traditional iterator object into an iter.Seq. This is useful for wrapping objects like database/sql.Rows or bufio.Scanner to be used in an iter.Seq.


Similar to FromNexter, but for iterators that return pairs of values, converting them into an iter.Seq2.


Handles iterators that return both a value and an error, converting them into an iter.Seq2. This is useful for handling operations like reading from a file or a network stream, where each iteration may result in an error.


Applies a function asynchronously to each element of an iterator. This is especially useful when dealing with time-consuming operations that can be executed concurrently. The order of the results in the returned iter.Seq is maintained.


Similar to async.Map, but applies the function to each pair of elements from an iter.Seq2. The order of the pairs in the returned iter.Seq2 is maintained.


This library is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to improve the library.


This library is developed and maintained by mackee.