//- Add Goal Habit activity (now & specific date date) //- Remove activity //- Dashboard Overview of my habits (on on what goal (&dream)). Status e.g. (1/3) & (4/7 dgr), 3 days left. Green if 100% or progress > (4-1)/7 - Done
//- Add activity from habit dashboard //- Dashboard - Show indicators for activities on dashboard & what day to indicate
- Deploy to environment to use in mobile for testing
- Dashboard - Smooth up Dashboard - Opacity down if green, nicer images.
- Dashboard - Order habits by status?
- Daily guide action - What next?
- Edit/Remove activity from habit dashboard
- Dashboard improvement, design & nice inspirational summary
- Edit goals, edit habits
- Add Goal (prioritized) milestones (E.g. "Run 5km in 20min", "Run 10km in 45 min", logged as activity)
- Check goals / progress on goals (e.g. 43 min in 10km, or 5km in (40m/10km tempo) => 50%)
- DONE! Add goals to dreams (E.g. "Run 10 km on 40min", start/end)
- DONE! Add Goal habits to goal (E.g. "Run > 5km", 3times/week)