- ReactJS
- Webpack
- Babel
- Eslint
- Prettier
- Husky # TODO
- file-loader # TODO
- babel-loader
- @babel/preset-env
- @babe/preset-react
- @babel/core
- css-loader
- mini-css-extract-plugin
- eslint
- babel-eslint
- eslint-config-airbnb
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
- eslint-plugin-react
- prettier
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- eslint-config-prettier
To clone and run this application, you'll need GIT and NodeJS (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/efrenmartinez/react-js-base.git
# Go into the repository
$ cd react-js-base
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm run start
# Open in browser
# http://localhost:3005/
# Format code
$ npm run format
# output
> react-js-base@1.0.0 format /home/react-js-base
> prettier --write '{*.js,*scss,src/**/*.{js,jsx,scss}}'
src/assets/styles/App.scss 29ms
src/components/App.jsx 26ms
src/components/HelloWorld.jsx 8ms
src/index.js 5ms
webpack.config.js 12ms
# Lint
$ npm run lint # TODO
To deploy this project run
# Build
$ npm run build