The ConvivaSDK Framework supports cocoapods and manual installation. The library is delivered as Static Framework and deployment is supported on iOS 12 and above. Supports iOS/tvOS 14 as well.
For customers who have already integrated pre 2.141.0 version of Conviva library, we recommend them to migrate to the latest release 2.141.0. Please follow these steps to migrate to 2.141.0 version
- Remove libiOSSdkCore.a from “Link Binary with Libraries” of xcode
- Remove the following header file from your application and follow either cocoapods or manual way of installation.
- #import "CISSystemInterfaceProtocol.h"
- #import "CISSystemFactoryProtocol.h"
- #import "CISSystemSettings.h"
- #import "CISClientSettingProtocol.h"
- #import "CISClientProtocol.h"
- #import "IOSSystemInterfaceFactory.h"
- #import "CISSystemFactoryCreator.h"
- #import "CISClientSettingCreator.h"
- #import "CISClientCreator.h"
- #import "CISConstants.h"
- #import "CISPlayerStateManagerProtocol.h"
Add the following line to your pod file and run 'pod install'
// Without Advertising Identifier(IDFA) support
pod 'ConvivaSDK','4.0.17'
// With Advertising Identifier(IDFA) support
// Application must be built with XCode 12 or above.
// Application's plist file must have an entry for NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key with appropriate message.
// Example message:
// <key>NSUserTrackingUsageDescription</key>
// <string>App would like to access IDFA to uniquely identify the user.</string>
pod 'ConvivaSDK','4.0.16'
- Add the Package Dependency repository URL as
- Select version as:
- 4.0.16 if it's with Advertising Identifier Support.
- 4.0.17 if it's without Advertising Identifier Support.
To add the ConvivaSDK library to your project manually:
Download the latest ConvivaSDK from below path.
Unzip the package and add ConvivaSDK.xcframework to “Link Binary with Libraries” under build phase.
Add the following system frameworks to “Link Binary with Libraries” section in xcode.
- CoreMedia
- SystemConfiguration
- MobileCoreServices
- CoreTelephony (iOS only)
- Network (weak)
- AppTrackingTransparency(weak) - Required only for Advertising Identifier supported library (Application must be built with XCode 12 or above).
Add “-ObjC” to “Other Linker Flags” of Xcode.
Add the following import statements to your source code to refer Conviva classes.
* @import ConvivaSDK; (Objective-C)
* import ConvivaSDK (Swift)
- Refer for integration guidelines.
- Refer for API documentation.