Little node.js tool that reads local JSON files and POSTs them to a RESTful interface.
The main usage is in combination with DrowsyDromedary and aims to provide a easy way to upload large JSON arrays from files into a MongoDB collection.
Please note that the original DrowsyDromedary was written by Matt Zukowski and can be found here:
This software is available under the GPL v2.0 license (see license file in this repo for details)
Copyright (C) 2015 Armin Krauss
git clone
cd json2rest
npm install
Against a server using HTTPS
cd json2rest
node app.js pathtodrowsy/databasename/collection path/to/data.json 443 user:password
Against a local drowsy instance
cd json2rest
node app.js hampshire-apps/testing path/to/data.json localhost 9292
Please note that the first two parameters are required and the last three are optional (no auth, localhost, 8000).
- The path part of the URL not the domain (On DrowsyDromedary this is usually database/collection or path/to/drowsy/database/collection)
- path to and name of json file to read the data from (must be an Array)
- domain part of the URL (could be anything with subdomains and such like or just if that is serving Drowsy or Drowsy is under that domain but a certain path. Your choice here)
- Port (should be 443 since there is no reason to take to a REST interface without SSL, especially considering that BasicAuth without SSL is 100% insecure)
- BasicAuth username and password (highly recommend to activate BasicAuth on your Drowsy instance or the world is your guest)