
educational recommender systems data generation and analysis

Primary LanguagePython

A Generative Process for Traditional University Data


  1. Characterize and visualize distributions of variables in ERS data.
  2. Define a generative process to produce a synthetic dataset of grades over a sequence of enrollment terms in a traditional university setting.
  3. Analyze the effect of tweaking various aspects of the process. Define different processes based on different models. The most effective models will be able to fit the generative process which most closely reproduces our data. Hence the best generative process defined will help lead to the most effective predictive model to capture the observed trends.
  4. Generate datasets of arbitrary sizes for experimentation and model checking purposes.

Generative Processes

Basic MLR Process

Let's begin with a model that has no knowledge of the actual data. It is purely something I've come up with to experiment with the SCD-learned MLR model. Assume our model is:

$$\hat{g_{s,c}} = b_s + b_c + p_s^T \cdot W \cdot f_{sc}$$

The naive generative process for this model will work as follows:

Feature generation

  1. For each course:
    1. Draw credit hours (chrs) from Poisson with rate 3.
    2. Draw clevel $\in {1,2,3,4,5,6} \sim$ Multinomial(0.4570, 0.1960, 0.2640, 0.0790, 0.0021, 0.0019).
    3. Draw cumCGPA from normal centered at 3.0 with std of 0.5.
  2. For each student:
    1. Draw alevel $\in {0,1,2,3,4} from Multinomial(0.31, 0.32, 0.21, .14, 0.02).
    2. Draw hsgpa $\sim \mathbb{N}(3.0, 0.5)$, set initial cumGPA = hsgpa.
    3. Draw gender $\sim bernoulli(0.5)$.
  3. For each term $t$:
    1. For each student $s$:
      • Choose number of courses $C_{t,s} \sim Poisson(4)$.
      • Select $C_{t,s}$ courses in accordance with alevel. Go with same clevel as alevel with prob 0.7, with +- 1 with prob 0.2, and with +- 2 with prob 0.1. Ensure chrs does not exceed 21.
      • Determine grade in each course by: cumGPA * cumCGPA + Age/30 + Gender(0.2) + (alevel - 1)(clevel -1) - (chrs/3 - 1).
      • Bound grades using logistic function.
    2. Update cumGPA and cumCGPA to use for next term.

MLR Parameter generation

Rather than using the ad-hoc approach described above, we can also define a proper generative model.

  1. For each student $s$, draw $b_s \sim \mathbb{N}(\mu_s, \sigma_s)$.
  2. For each course $c$, draw $b_c \sim \mathbb{N}(\mu_c, \sigma_c)$.
  3. For each student $s$, draw $(m_s \in \mathbb{R}^l) \sim Dir(\boldsymbol{\alpha})$.
  4. For each model $l$, draw $(W_l \in \mathbb{R}^p) \sim MvN(\mu, \Sigma)$.
  5. Draw features ??