reddit mona lisa meme thing in c. written by nick welch <>. author disclaims copyright. build requirements (ubuntu/debian package names): pkg-config libx11-dev libcairo2 libcairo2-dev libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-dev and of course g++ and make (build-essential package should cover it) to run: make ./mona Control-C in terminal to quit the path to the mona.png image is hardcoded in the source code, so without tweaking that, you must run it from same directory. feel free to modify the NUM_POINTS and NUM_SHAPES #defines to play around with different variations. to run it against another image, change "mona.png" to "whatever.png" in the code (or merely copy your image over mona.png) (it must be a png), and modify the WIDTH and HEIGHT #defines accordingly. text can produce some cool looking results. WARNING to those who might scrutinize the code: the code is REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY messy and ugly and bad. i started off with some old code and frantically pulverized it into what it is. the result is a mix of c and c++, different syntax styles, etc. it's horrible. i was in a rush, only had a few hours to do it, and needed to get to sleep to wake up for a flight the next day. now it works and i have little motivation to go back and clean up something that was basically a random whim. it's not impossible to understand or anything, but it's not pretty either. also, one drawback vs. the web version is that you can't see the random attempts onscreen -- you only see the current "best" version.