
Python script to synchronise the DNS records from any server running BIND with DigitalOcean's DNS servers.

Primary LanguagePython

DigitalOcean DNS Sync

DigitalOcean offers a fantastic DNS service but it is time consuming and cumbersome to manually update it if you have a droplet running a control panel that generates DNS records as part of domain management (e.g. cPanel, DirectAdmin etc).

This python script will synchronise the DNS records from any droplet running BIND/named with DigitalOcean's DNS servers. It removes the need for 2 droplets to run your own 2-nameserver setup and also means you get to take advantage of DO's far better DNS infrastructure.


  1. Generate a Personal Access Token from https://cloud.digitalocean.com/settings/applications if you haven't got one already.
  2. Run sudo pip install dnspython requests or install dnspython http://www.dnspython.org/ and the Python Requests library however you would normally http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/.
  3. Copy sync_dns_settings.py.example to sync_dns_settings.py file in the project directory (it's listed in .gitignore so won't be committed) and adjust to your details. ip is the IP address of the server you are syncing and auth_token is your DigitalOcean API Personal Access Token.
  4. Either run: python sync_dns.py to do a complete wipe of DO's records for all domains that are on the droplet and re-sync from scratch. It won't wipe domains from DO's DNS it doesn't find on the droplet so you are free to continue to use the DNS manually for other domains if you wish. Or alternatively run: python sync_dns.py domainnameto do an intelligent sync just for that domain.
  5. Check your DO DNS entries to make sure it's correct then set your nameservers to ns1.digitalocean.com, ns2.digitalocean.com and ns3.digitalocean.com or follow this tutorial https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-vanity-or-branded-nameservers-with-digitalocean-cloud-servers to brand your own nameservers.


Initial inspiration came from here https://cloud.google.com/dns/migrating-bind-zone-python