
CTivo hanging on start

clclementsj opened this issue · 6 comments

I force quit cTivo after a freeze on my Intel Mac Mini running cTivo v3.5. Now, every time I start the app it just beachballs at updating TiVos with no content in the upper panel.

I’ve performed the following, with no resolution:

  • Deleted and reinstalled v3.5

  • Dragged to the trash, emptied trash, and reinstalled v3.5

  • Deleted, purged all files in /Library and ~/Library containing “ctivo” and reinstalled v3.5

  • Deleted, purged all files in /Library and ~/Library containing “ctivo” and reinstalled older v3.4

  • Performed each of the steps above, but with a reboot after the deinstallation, before reinstallation

Any ideas as to how to resolve this or start again with an actual clean deinstall / reinstall?

To be precise, by beach-balling, do you mean the rainbow-colored, "spinning wheel of death" cursor, or the grey spinning circle indicating that it's not finding any TiVos?

If the latter, have you tried rebooting the TiVo, and/or using DNS Discovery to find out if your Mac can "see" your TiVo? (actually those two steps would be good anyways)

And I take it that it worked previously? (3.4 and/or 3.5?)

So, there's nothing else.
AFAIK, cTiVo has
the app itself
wherever you store your videos (e.g. ~/Movies/TiVoShows)
temp downloads in your temp directory (see AdvPrefs, but default is /var/folders/... )
and support folders in ~/Library:
/Preferences/com.CtiVo.cTiVo.plist (Main one to check)
/Caches/com.CtiVo.cTiVo (images and info downloaded from TiVo and theTVDB)
/Application Support/com.CtiVo.cTiVo (crash reporting)

You might also have these:
/Application Scripts/com.CtiVo.cTiVo (only if you have a post-download script)
/Containers/...ctivo (used by the older sandboxed version)
I also see a HTTPStorages/com.cTiVo.cTiVo folder, whichI guess is used for http caching

The key one would be the preferences, which if trashed can do just about anything. It's problematic due to the caching the system does, but you already did the "delete and reboot" that ensures that it doesn't reuse the same folder.

if you want to launch it with Control-Option key held down, it will generate maximum logging. Unfortunately with a infinite loop, some logging may not happen, but it might give me a call what's going on.

Have you tried launching it from a guest user account to confirm that there's something left in your System folder that's causing the problem?

Any luck?

No problem; glad it worked!

So that's a sign that the Preferences file was never "really" gone. (That's where the MAK is stored.) Not surprising, as MacOS tries really hard to keep it around through caching. For anyone reading the thread in the future, one trick is to type "defaults delete com.ctivo.ctivo" in Terminal, which should erase all preferences. Alternatively one can confirm deletion with "defaults read com.ctivo.ctivo", which will show all the keys available.