- 1
cTiVo and TiVo Experience 4
#537 opened by magsdev - 7
Select Tivo: Not Connected
#536 opened by ITODW55 - 23
Where to set $FFMPEG_PATH
#535 opened by yyzguy - 4
- 0
Prevent Sleep
#534 opened by yyzguy - 15
Stuck on "Ready"
#532 opened by dpriess1 - 0
- 7
Renewing kmttg certificate
#530 opened by ccdragone - 20
- 8
- 0
- 4
Since 9/10/23 Tivo Roamio no longer works!
#526 opened by Colby3122 - 5
handbrake.cli vs
#523 opened by tdlivings - 9
cTiVo not reading skip mode info correctly
#525 opened by alecksjaycubd - 4
New HandBrake Hardware Acceleration
#524 opened by alecksjaycubd - 7
3.6 Release; any issues...
#514 opened by mackworth - 34
MacOS Sonoma Issues
#520 opened by tdlivings - 53
ctivo 3.6 keeps crashing
#521 opened by ataridude - 13
Only downloads first hour of three-hour program
#522 opened by musicals68 - 1
- 11
Is there a way to continue encoding off-line?
#512 opened by fseatonuc - 8
- 7
Crashing v3.4.5 - after May 12 2023
#517 opened by dmazzella-- - 2
subtitles are scrambled/jumbled
#516 opened by dapostman - 6
Invalid MAK error
#494 opened by jagedge11 - 14
h265 profile
#490 opened by techpro2004 - 1
Migrating to a new Mac
#515 opened by mosleyh - 6
iVI Pro Faster Vs?
#504 opened by tadgill - 13
edl output
#493 opened by techpro2004 - 8
- 27
HandBrake Encode times slower on M1 Max and Pro computers than in HandBrake.
#481 opened by tdlivings - 12
- 2
Remote Module
#487 opened by tadgill - 6
Video Files have tears and audio errors
#511 opened by cbibbs - 4
Can't delete shows from Tivo box using cTivo.
#509 opened by aofrailey - 5
scratch files not deleting
#510 opened by dapostman - 2
- 2
cTivo not responding I think I broke it
#506 opened by PCDOS-1dot1 - 8
Open From File Instead of Tivo
#502 opened by M1078 - 2
- 1
Open File from NAS
#503 opened by M1078 - 1
Question on version
#500 opened by tdlivings - 6
Using 3.5.2, some episodes showing inaccurate icons
#488 opened by wjmt3 - 5
- 10
Encode fails with HDR10 shows
#483 opened by tannebil - 3
Older HandBrake CLI version in 3.5.2 and .3
#489 opened by tdlivings - 3
#486 opened by techpro2004 - 7
Tivo Server Busy, does not download
#485 opened by puddle21 - 1
Minor README issue - broken link
#484 opened by tannebil - 4
3.5.2 Universal RPC Cert Warning?
#480 opened by vidsky2