
4-Bit Computer


4-Bit Computer

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This learning project consists of a 4-bit adder, using NPN transistors.
Inspiration comes from www.waitingforfriday.com.

The goal is to create a complete project using KiCad: schematics and PCB.
Components will be ordered from Mouser; PCB will be ordered from OSH Park.


Schemas and PCB layouts are created with KiCad:

Footprints Library

This project requires the XS-Labs KiCad Library to be installed in KiCad.

Bill Of Materials

Manufacturer Part No. Details Quantity
... incomplete ...


All project files are released under the terms of the CERN Open Hardware License - CERN OHL v.1.2.

Repository Infos

Owner:          Jean-David Gadina - XS-Labs
Web:            www.xs-labs.com
Blog:           www.noxeos.com
Twitter:        @macmade
GitHub:         github.com/macmade
LinkedIn:       ch.linkedin.com/in/macmade/
StackOverflow:  stackoverflow.com/users/182676/macmade