BookADuc API

Select your favorite Ducati bike and book an appointment to take it for a test ride! This is Microverse's final capstone project!

Table of Contents


This is the backend of the project. It is built with Ruby on Rails. You can use this app to access it or build your own front-end.

The app uses 3 tables to save Users, Bikes, and Bookings. Authentication is implemented using JSON Web Token. Implemented versioning so new version can be created without breaking the old ones. Also implemented data serialization using the Active Model Serializer gem. The serializer allows returning all the related data in an organized format. Consequently, front-end apps do not have to make extra API requests to get the relevant data.

Live version

A live version of the API is hosted on Heroku.

The user has to create an account to get access to the API. The following endpoints are implemented:


  • POST:
  • Parameters: {name: string, email: string, password: string}


  • POST:
  • Parameters: { email: string, password: string }

Get a list of bikes

  • GET:
  • Parameters: { Authorization: 'Bearer ${token}'

Get a specific bike

  • GET:${id}
  • Parameters: { Authorization: 'Bearer ${token}'

Create a new booking

  • GET:
  • Parameters: { city: string, date: date, user_id: integer, }
  • Headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ${token}'

Get user bookings

  • GET:${id}
  • Parameters: { Authorization: 'Bearer ${token}'


Example Response

Example JSON responce when getting list of bikes.

Example JSON response for current user


Technologies Used

  • Ruby on Rails 6
  • PostgreSQL


Setup and Run in Your Computer

Use your terminal and run the commands after each instruction.

Command Description
git clone Clone the repository to you computer
cd bookaduc-api Navigate to the newly created folder
bundle install Install gem dependencies
rails db:create followed by rails db:migrate Setup the database
rails server Starts the development server
Press Ctrl + c to kill http-server process
rails db:seed Fill the db with the required Bike data
http://localhost:3000 Visit this link in your browser to use it


👤 Author

Nick Haralampopoulos

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.