100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022
This is my attempt to Mastering Python by building 100 projects in 100 days learning:
- Data Science
- Automation
- Building Websites
- Games
- Apps
Be able to program in Python professionally
Master the Python programming language by building 100 projects over 100 days
Create a portfolio of 100 Python projects to apply for developer jobs
Be able to build fully fledged websites and web apps with Python
Be able to use Python for data science and machine learning
Build games with Python, like:
- Blackjack
- Pong
- Snake using
Build GUIs and Desktop applications with Python
Learn to use modern frameworks like:
- Selenium
- Beautiful Soup
- Request
- Flask
- Pandas
- NumPy
- Scikit Learn
- Plotly
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
This course was created by Dr. Angela Yu on Udemy
Programming course for Python. 100 Days Challenge
Day 1
. 2022.04.23- Band Generator Program
Day 2
. 2022.04.24- Tip Calculator
Day 3
. 2022.04.25- Treasure Island
Day 4
. 2022.04.26- Rock Paper Scissors
Day 5
. 2022.04.27- Create a Password Generator
Day 6
. 2022.04.28- Escaping the Maze
Day 7
. 2022.04.29- Hang Man
Day 8
. 2022.04.30- Caesar Cipher
Day 9
. 2022.05.01- Secret Auction
Day 10
. 2022.05.03- Calculator
Day 11
. 2022.05.05- Black Jack Capstone Project
Day 12
. 2022.05.06- The Number Guessing Game
Day 13
. 2022.05.07- Debugging for Begginers
Day 14
. 2022.05.09- Higher or Lower
Day 15
. 2022.05.10- Coffe Machine
Day 16
. 2022. -
Day 17
. 2022. -
Day 18
. 2022. -
Day 19
. 2022. -
Day 20
. 2022. -
Day 21
. 2022.