- 0
Suggestion: Resolving a minor bug in the UI layout.
#413 opened by ndregs - 1
Suggestion: Fixing a typo in the README file.
#407 opened by ndregs - 1
Suggestion: Enhancing error messages for clarity.
#408 opened by ndregs - 1
Suggestion: Enhancing error messages for clarity.
#409 opened by ndregs - 1
- 1
Suggestion: Adding missing test cases for a feature.
#406 opened by ndregs - 1
Suggestion: Fixing a typo in the README file.
#410 opened by ndregs - 1
Suggestion: Optimizing a loop for better performance.
#411 opened by ndregs - 0
URL broken
#405 opened by LupinoTech - 3
Support Mac M1
#391 opened by vbisbest - 0
ssl_cipher_list does not support ECDHE
#403 opened by shravanc - 1
Support 2 factor authentication security?
#402 opened by laoyouzi - 2
- 1
- 0
- 3
SERVER_PORT is incorrectly set to 80 when SSL is used on default port of 443
#357 opened by MikeFlint - 2
Improper handling of requests containing both `Content-Length` and `Transfer-Encoding` headers
#395 opened by kenballus - 1
`bundler: failed to load command: thin (/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/bin/thin)` on Heroku
#340 opened by arslanaly47 - 2
Uninitialized constant Thin::Server::Fixnum (NameError) with ruby-3.2.2
#394 opened by shubham-selldo - 5
Consider new release for ruby 3.2 support
#393 opened by thesamesam - 1
- 1
Support rack 3.0.0
#389 opened by lucaskanashiro - 0
#387 opened by Tommybio - 0
- 12
Unable to install thin gem on macOS 11.0 Big Sur beta
#365 opened by yahonda - 1
- 3
Multiple SSL certificates
#385 opened by pozelli - 2
potential privilege escalation by pidfile manipulation
#347 opened by d-hat - 4
Building native extensions fails
#372 opened by ndeto - 8
When the version 1.8.0 or 2.0.0 is released?
#376 opened by junaruga - 1
Include rack handler test
#375 opened by voxik - 4
Running thin behind a pipe doesn't show messages
#371 opened by rp-pedraza - 2
Homepage in gemspec is not accessible
#373 opened by tomdalling - 2
Fix mac install errors or document in readme
#370 opened by grosser - 4
No implicit conversion of nil into String <TypeError>
#358 opened by jsh562 - 0
Cannot start as a service
#361 opened by enzote84 - 1
Make it possible to specify SSL key and certificate files in thin config file
#344 opened by acrolink - 0
- 0
Fails on recent Ruby versions on Windows
#353 opened by eflukx - 0
How to configure it from Sinatra?
#355 opened by yegor256 - 0
Thin crashes with numeric headers
#335 opened by fabn - 0
Make it possible to skip logging to file system from within configuration file
#341 opened by acrolink - 0
"env missing required key REQUEST_METHOD" when Sinatra+Thin under high load
#343 opened by heavydawson - 1
Can't start Thin Server using Ruby 2.6
#362 opened by jotamartos - 1
Thin isssue
#356 opened by 7teen20nine - 4
#337 opened by junaruga - 1
Flaky specs
#368 opened by ioquatix - 2
- 1
Multiple domains with SSL certificats
#348 opened by zedtux - 2