
Experience the joy of Clojure by solving problems.

Primary LanguageClojure

Clojure Katas

Current Dependency

  • Clojure 1.5.1
  • Leiningen 2.4.1


Set of small problems from Structure and Interpretation of Computer Program and Project Euler


If you're interested in learning Clojure and look for small problems to practice, hope this package can be of help!


You can use this package to:

  • Solve existing problems
  • Create new problems

Run katas:

$ lein katas-run

Run katas with implemented answers:

$ lein katas-answers

Solve existing problems

Example: Solve sine angle

When arranged-prob is not implemented under /src/clojure_katas/sine_angle.clj:

$ lein katas-run
Performing task 'run' with profile(s): 'test'
Current kata to tackle:  clojure-katas.sine-angle/sine

After arranged-porb is implemented, it moves to the next problem:

Performing task 'run' with profile(s): 'test'

Testing clojure-katas.sine-angle-test

Ran 1 tests containing 2 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
Current kata to tackle:  clojure-katas.arranged-prob/prob

Create new problems

Example: create arranged probability problem

Create /src-answers/clojure-katas/arranged_prob.clj for solution.

(defn prob
  "p: total population,
   m: total number of sub-category,
   n: number of consecutive draws"
  [p, m, n]
  (if (>= 0 n) 1
    (* (double (/ m p)) (prob (- p 1) (- m 1) (- n 1)))))

Create /src/clojure-katas/arranged_prob.clj for problem challenge. ** When using core/defproblem, doc is required. **

(ns clojure-katas.arranged-prob
  (:require [clojure-katas.core :as core]))

(core/defproblem prob
 "required documentation goes here"
  [p, m, n])

Creates test under /test/clojure-katas/arranged_prob_test.clj

(deftest arranged-prob-test
  (testing "conditional probability"
    (is (= (float 0.12311558) (float (prob 200 100 3))))))

Add clojure-katas.arranged-prob-test inside the problemsets defined in test_runner

(def problems

Run through solution to make sure it works:

$ lein katas-answers


Many thanks to Gary Federicks and Robert Boyd for helping out on the prooject!

Another great resources