Send sms

HTTP Requests

POST /api/sms/v1/sendsms


  • For one number : 1 time / 60s
  • For global system : 80000 times MAX / 1s

Request Sample

POST /api/sms/v1/sendsms

If you want to send an auth-sms to Mr. Tom like this :

Dear Member , your auth code is 8888. The code will expire in 60 seconds. Have a good time! [Cookpad]

And your sms template is :

Dear Member , your auth code is ${code}. The code will expire in 60 seconds. Have a good time! [Cookpad]

Then , the parameter should like this:

' {"client_id":"cookpad_Server_001","passcode":"ARDOR-7JF3-8F2E-QUWZ-CAN7F","phone_number":"13800138000","templet_id":"t1","contents":[{"p1":"8888"}] }'

Parameters Parameters Types Required Description
client_id String Yes The Client ID customized by yourself.
passcode String Yes A generated Key for the server to identify legal clients.
phone_number String Yes The target user's phone number.
templet_id String Yes Each sms must follow a certain sms templet defined before. Use templet & parameters to combine a real sms to send.
contents String Yes Parameters and contents for the sms.

Response Sample

'{ "sms_uid":"550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000", "status":"sent", "error_code":"0"} '

Parameters Parameters Types Description
sms_uid String The sms's uid returned by the server for further querying.
status String The status of that sms. [ queuing / sent / delivered / error ]. The status can be changed till it reaches delivered or error_*.
error_code String Show the error information if any error occurs.

Query sms

HTTP Requests

POST /api/sms/v1/querysms


  • For global system : 1000 queries MAX / s

Request Sample

POST /api/sms/v1/querysms

If you want to query a sms ,Then the parameter should like this:

' {"client_id":"cookpad_Server_001","passcode":"ARDOR-7JF3-8F2E-QUWZ-CAN7F","sms_uid":"550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000" }'

Parameters Parameters Types Required Description
client_id String Yes The Client ID customized by yourself.
passcode String Yes A generated Key for the server to identify
sms_uid String Yes The unique ID for the sms which you want to check.

Response Sample

'{ "sms_uid":"550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000", "status":"delivered", "error_code":"0"} '

Parameters Parameters Types Description
sms_uid String The unique ID for the sms.
status String The status of that sms. [ queuing / sent / delivered / error ]. The status can be changed till it reaches delivered or error_*.
error_code String Show the error information if any error occurs.


Common Error Codes

  • 400 Bad Request — Invalid request format
  • 401 Unauthorized — Invalid passcode
  • 403 Forbidden — You do not have access to the requested resource
  • 404 Not Found
  • 500 Internal Server Error — We had a problem with our server

Additional errors:

  • 429 Too Many Requests.


A successful response is indicated by HTTP status code 200 and may contain an optional body. If the response has a body it will be documented under each resource below.