Generic Implementation of Organic Scoring for Bittensor Subnets

This implementation provides a generic solution for integrating organic scoring into a Bittensor subnets.

Functionality Overview

  • Organic Query Handling: Manages organic queries through the axon while storing samples in a queue.
  • Rewarding Process: Can be triggered based on a specified number of steps or seconds, as defined by the trigger and trigger_frequency parameters. If trigger is set to steps, steps must be incremented using the increment_step or set_step methods.

Process Workflow

  1. Trigger Check: Upon triggering the rewarding process, the system checks if the organic queue is empty. If the queue is empty, synthetic datasets (defined in organic_scoring/ are used to bootstrap the organic scoring mechanism. Otherwise, samples from the organic queue are utilized.
  2. Data Processing: The sampled data is concurrently passed to the _query_miners and _generate_reference methods.
  3. Reward Generation: After receiving responses from miners and any reference data, the information is processed by the _generate_rewards method.
  4. Weight Setting: The generated rewards are then applied through the _set_weights method.
  5. Logging: Finally, the results can be logged using the _log_results method, along with all relevant data provided as arguments, and default time elapsed on each step of rewarding process.


Add to requirements to your project:


Or install manually by:

pip install git+


Example Usage

  1. Create a subclass of OrganicScoringBase.
  2. Implement the required methods.
  3. Create an instance of the subclass.
  4. Call the start method to start the organic scoring task.
  5. Call the stop method to stop the organic scoring task.
  6. Call the increment_step method to increment the step counter if the trigger is set to "steps".

Implement the following OrganicScoringBase methods

  • _on_organic_entry: Handle an organic entry. Important: this method must add the required values to the _organic_queue.
  • _query_miners: Query the miners with a given organic sample.
  • _generate_rewards: Concurrently generate rewards based on the sample and responses.
  • _set_weights: Set the weights based on generated rewards for the miners.
  • (Optional) _generate_reference: Generate a reference based on the sample, if required. Used in _generate_rewards.
  • (Optional) _log_results: Log the results.
  • (Optional) _priority_fn: Function with priority value for organic handles.
  • (Optional) _blacklist_fn: Function with blacklist for organic handles.
  • (Optional) _verify_fn: Function to verify requests for organic handles.
from organic_scoring import OrganicScoringBase
from organic_scoring.organic_queue import OrganicQueueBase
from organic_scoring.synth_dataset import SynthDatasetBase

class YourOrganicScoring(OrganicScoringBase):
    # Implement the required methods.

class YourOrganicQueue(OrganicQueueBase):
    # Implement the required methods.
    def add(self, sample: Any):
    def sample(self) -> Any:

    def size(self) -> int:

class YourSynthDataset(SynthDatasetBase):
    # Implement the required methods.
    def sample(self) -> Any:

axon = bt.axon(wallet=self.wallet, config=self.config)
axon.serve(netuid=self.config.netuid, subtensor=self.subtensor)

organic_scoring = YourOrganicScoring(

Additional Information

TODO: SN1 implementation reference.

Feel free to reach out us through the Bittensor discord (alpha 1 - SN1 channel).