Intro - Get to know the group

  • What's your level of CSS experience
  • Do you know any programming languages?
  • What's the most complex thing you've done with SASS

How the meetup will Work

  • Each Meetup will be targeted to a specific skill level (Basic/Advanced) ideally with some hands-on time in sassmeister
  • The meetup will start with a mini-demo of something at the opposite skill level of main content
  • Then we jump into and do some hands on
  • After the meetup we'll grab a pint nearby






sass placeholder

%demo--base {
  background-color: rgba(255,100,100, 0.5);
  border: 2px dashed grey;
  text-align: center;
  padding-top: 5em;
  padding-bottom: 5em;
  margin-bottom: 1em;

header {
  @extend %demo--base;

sass mixin

// Let's make a mixin to help style our demo blocks
@mixin demo($padding: 5em, $background-color:red ){
  padding-top: $padding;
  padding-bottom: $padding;
  background-color: rgba($background-color, 0.5);
  border: 2px dashed $background-color;

$background-color:red => :red is the default value, in case you aren't supplied a background-color.

@include demo() => uses padding 5em, background-color red
@include demo(10em, white) => uses padding 10em, background-color white


Eq.js is a JavaScript module, that let you do simple, deep and custom equalisations.

singularity notes

will need to use clear: left/right/both; otherwise your grids will push against each other.

  • isolation approach
  • asymetric grid

flexbox => css3/4

There is susy but it doesn't support asymetric grids,

layout(3) {...}
@include layout(3){
  @include demo(4em, blue);
  &:nth-child(3n+1) {
    @include grid-span(1,1);
    clear: both;
  &:nth-child(3n+2) {
    @include grid-span(1,2);
    clear: both;
  &:nth-child(3n+3) {
    @include grid-span(1,3);
    clear: both;

...aka newspaper columns

@include layout(5) {
    .. five column layout
box-sizing done right...

what is box-sizing?

and how singularity fixes it:

* {
  @include box-sizing('border-box');