Easily and safely manage your content for data compatible views. The module is capable of handling two dimensional sets of data and simplifies displaying content in section and row/item based views. Every set of data/content and the associated view is stored within a ModelCollection. The ModelCollection inherites from MutableCollection, RandomAccessCollection, RangeReplaceableCollection. Concrete classes conforming against ModelCollection are TableViewDataSource and CollectionViewDataSource.
// The Example shows how to display two sections, each with 10 cells and a header.
// To use a data source there a certain requirements that have to be fulfilled:
// Every cell or header/footer view needs to conform against ModelDataSourceViewDisplayable.
// They can be stored with their associated content (Model) in either a ModelItem or ModelDecorative
// which are contstrained to a specific view conforming against ModelDataSourceView (e.g. UITableView).
// Each section is represented by a ModelSection holding ModelItems and ModelDecoratives.
// NOTE: The Example folder contains the full code.
var dataSource = TableViewDataSource()
// Setup the UITableViewView
let tableView = UITableView()
tableView.dataSource = dataSource
// Items to be displayed in each section-
let items: [ModelItem<UITableView>] = (1...10).map { index in
return .init(model: .init(color: .gray, title: "cell # \(index)"), cell: TableViewCell.self)
// Build first section
let firstHeaderModel: DecorativeView.Model = .init(color: .darkGray, title: "Header 1")
let firstDecorative: ModelDecorative<UITableView> = .init(model: firstHeaderModel, view: DecorativeView.self)
var firstSection: ModelSection<UITableView> = .init(decorative: firstDecorative, kind: .header)
firstSection.append(contentsOf: items)
// Build second section.
let secondHeaderModel: DecorativeView.Model = .init(color: .darkGray, title: "Header 2")
let secondDecorative: ModelDecorative<UITableView> = .init(model: secondHeaderModel, view: DecorativeView.self)
var secondSection: ModelSection<UITableView> = .init(decorative: secondDecorative, kind: .header)
secondSection.append(contentsOf: items)
// Append the sections to the TableViewDataSource.
dataSource.append(contentsOf: [firstSection, secondSection])
// Load the content into the UITableView.
If you want to customize the data source handling, either subclass TableViewDataSource/CollectionViewDataSource or create a custom class that conforms to ModelCollection.
- iOS 9.3+
- tvOS 9.2+
### Cocoapods
pod 'CellularModelDataSource'