
Pharo Smalltalk Window Flipper

Primary LanguageSmalltalkMIT LicenseMIT



A simple Pharo Smalltalk keyboard window flipper - use CTRL-1 to flip to the last recently used window (similar to ^tab in Windows and cmd-` in OSX.

To repeat the cycle from the beginning, wait ~1s and it will begin from the most LRU window again (not perfect, but its a simple solution avoiding more keyboard magic)

To load use:

Metacello new
  repository: 'github://macta/PharoFlipper:main';
  baseline: 'PharoFlipper';

The default keboard shortcut can be altered with either of:

self keyboardShortcut: $1 control asShortcut.
self keyboardShortcut: $1 meta asShortcut.

Pharo 11