
Wiki related to the Pharo programming language and environment.

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Pharo wiki

Wiki for the Pharo programming language and development environment.

The goals of the wiki are explained in the Manifest and contribution guidelines in the Contribution guide.

Looking for a list of awesome projects? Check-out awesome-pharo, a curated list of awesome Pharo projects.




Pharo Language

  • Extension methods - How to extend existing classes in your packages.
  • Traits - Structure to build classes via composition.
  • Some cool snippets in Pharo - A cook book to answer common needs of a Pharo developer.
  • Progress bar - Display a progress bar to give feedback to the user.
  • Morphic Layouts - Documentation about the layout management in the Morphic Library of pharo.
  • Pragmas - A guide on Pragmas, annotations to compiled methods to add additional properties.
  • Coding conventions - A list of convention to follow when writing Pharo code.
  • Exceptions - How Pharo's exceptions work and explanations on how to use them.
  • Sorting collections - How to sort collections with Pharo's built-in API.
  • Sessions management - Documentation on setting up start-up and shut-down actions in Pharo.

Pharo Tooling

  • Playground - Documentation on the usage of Pharo's playground.
  • Profiling - Measure the time and space your program takes to execute.
  • Menubar and World menu - A guide to configure and customize Pharo's menubar and world menu.
  • Iceberg on Windows workaround - Troubleshooting for some issues appearing when using Iceberg on Windows.
  • Inspector - Documentation on the usage of Pharo's inspector.
  • Refactoring - Documentation on the usage of Pharo refactoring's tool.
  • Settings - How to use Pharo's settings system to define your own settings.

Pharo projects

Pharo and OpenSmalltalk Virtual Machine

External projects

Data exchange

Migration guidelines

External resources