
This is a simple example of rust for those of you who, like me, are starting with this great language. I have tried to keep it very simple and it is not "bullet-proof" (aka as prod-ready). The only intention is help people with some very simple regex, string substitution with a functional example. Do not hesitate to create pull requests to improve it.

The program reads a template file searching for {{ var }} and replaces {{ var }} occurences by the values that were given as arguments. Make sure you provide all values with the same spelling or the progrgam will panic.


When in the template-engine directory, just type the following command

cargo run template.txt name Chris location Paris

and you should see this

- Hi from Paris. My name is Chris.
- Hi Chris, nice to meet you!


This is a simple example of rust for those of you who, like me, are starting with this great language. I have tried to keep it very simple and it is not "bullet-proof" (aka as prod-ready). The only intention is help people with some very simple deserialization from json tion with a functional example. Do not hesitate to create pull requests to improve it.

The program reads a config file written in the json format to load its configuration.


When in the config-from-json directory, just type the following command

cargo run config.json

and you should see this

Config {
    db_name: "testDB",
    db_user: "testUser",
    db_password: "not4ProdPWD",