
Tool for sending fast mailings

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Tool for sending fast mailings in one SMTP connection.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mailing'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mailing

Sending speed

Default sending speed is low and set to ~ 120 mails per minute. You can change that value by setting the delay parameter in sender.

Step by step usage

require 'mailing'
require 'logger'

# create channel
config = {
  :address => 'localhost',
  :port    => 25,
  :domain  => 'localhost.localdomain'
channel = Mailing::SmtpChannel.new(config)

# create sender with channel, envelope_from and logger
logger = Logger.new('/tmp/mailing.log')
sender = Mailing::Sender.new(channel, 'sender@domain.com', logger)
sender.delay = 0.1 # ~ 600 mails per minute

# create mailing with from, subject, body, recipients
mailing = Mailing::Mailing.new('from@domain.com', 'Subject', 'Body')
mailing.recipients = %w(john@domain.com paul@domain.com peter@domain.com)

# send mailing

Quick usage

require 'mailing'
require 'logger'

mailing = Mailing::Mailing.new('from@domain.com', 'Subject', 'Body')
mailing.recipients = %w(john@domain.com paul@domain.com peter@domain.com)
config = {
  :address => 'localhost',
  :port    => 25,
  :domain  => 'localhost.localdomain'
# send with config and envelope_from set to sender@domain.com
# without logging and with 0.2 delay (~ 300 mails per minute)
mailing.send_by_smtp(config, 'sender@domain.com', nil, 0.2)

Rails usage

mailing = Mailing::Mailing.new('from@domain.com', 'Subject', 'Body')
mailing.recipients = User.pluck(:email)
                     'sender@domain.com', Rails.logger)


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request