
Idempotent Ansible role that installs and configures self-hosted GitHub Actions Runners (yeah, plural!)

MIT LicenseMIT

GitHub Actions self-hosted Runner Ansible role

An Ansible role that installs and configures GitHub Actions self-hosted Runners inside one or multiple hosts, you can re-use it for many different URLs (repositories or organizations) inside the same host in order to re-use it as much as possible.

Main goals of this role:

  • avoid waste: re-use the same host to provide a build environment for multiple repositories or organizations;
  • idempotence: executing the role many times won't make anything break, steps have checks that validate whether or not they should be executed;


For an exhaustive list of variables check the defaults file. Ideally, all values will have commentaries describing what are their purposes and by the default value you can tell the type.

Required variables

Following values are required since there is no way to register the self-hosted Runner without them

Name Description
gh_runner_config_url GitHub Repository or Organization URL
gh_runner_config_token GitHub Registration token to authenticate the host

Example Playbook

Simplest use case: Single repository configuration on one host.

- hosts: foo
    - role: macunha1.github_actions_runner
          - linux
          - self-hosted

        gh_runner_config_url: https://github.com/macunha1/ansible-github-actions-runner
        gh_runner_config_token: AC5TNLJP9SBAFNEKKLLBLF264J8XO

Complex use case to which this role was created for

- hosts: foo
    - role: macunha1.github_actions_runner
          - linux
          - self-hosted

        gh_runner_config_url: https://github.com/macunha1/ansible-github-actions-runner
        gh_runner_config_token: AC5TNLJP9SBAFNEKKLLBLF264J8XO

    - role: macunha1.github_actions_runner
        gh_runner_config_url: https://github.com/macunha1/another-repository
        gh_runner_config_token: AC5CQV3IJRR2OAFGEFCPJ0WJPJQXO

    - role: macunha1.github_actions_runner
        gh_runner_config_url: https://github.com/macunha-acme-corp
        gh_runner_config_token: ACYWUR9MHGR9U58C34W9ZK00UNBF

Note that despite using the same host, each one of these GitHub Actions Runner configuration will have its own path and credentials. Therefore, they can live well in harmony without killing each other.


PRs Welcome

Feel free to fill an issue containing feature request(s), or (even better) to send me a Pull request, I would be happy to collaborate with you.

If this role didn't work for you, or if you found some bug during the execution, let me know.