INWX DynDNS Python script

This repo is hosting a small python script to maintain DynDNS IPs with INWX.

It's easy to run it within a docker container like that:

docker run -v $(pwd):/project -d -w /project python /project/

Ensure to maintain the environmental variables or bind a .env variable file!

environmental variables

There is a .env.example which lists all available environmental variables. They are all also listed here:

env default change recommended description
TIMEZONE Europe/Berlin yes Timezone used for all dates logged within the script
HOST NAV yes INWX DynDNS hostname / FQDN for which DNS records are to be maintained by this script
PASS NAV yes INWX DynDNS user password
SCOPE A yes scope of DynDNS check – comma separated list of A and / or AAAA. Don't forget to enable IPv6 for your Docker-Container if your scope includes AAAA ;)
PUSHOVER [] yes JSON string representing a list of PushOver token. The list may contain multiple dictionaries consisting by the two keys user_key and token.
SLEEP 60 no The script runs within an infinity loop – and sleeps for this amount of seconds between every run.
DNSSRV [] yes JSON list (!) of DNS servers / DNS resolvers to reflect for DNS lookup
JSON_INDENT 3 yes Indention for JSON string reported (and stored) at error states
ERROR_TOLERANCE 3 yes send push notification after n errors occuring in a row