Simple script to set CPU parameters such as governor and frequencies for your Odroid device (C0, C1, C2, XU3, XU4, N1, RPI, and basically linux device, even PC - sorry, the name is misleading)
./odroid-cpu-control [options]
-l, --list List a parameter
-s, --set Set a parameter
-g, --governor <governor> Select a governor
-c, --cpu <number|range> The CPU to edit/query. Leave blank for all CPUs. Valid syntax:
0; 0,4; 0,4,5-7; 0-7
-m, --min <number> The minimum CPU frequency (must be supported by governor and CPU)
-M, --max <number> The maximum CPU frequency (must be supported by governor and CPU)
-f, --frequency The current CPU frequency
-t, --temperature The current CPU temperature
-q, --quiet Don't display much output when setting a parameter
-i, --interactive <number> Keep running the list command every number seconds
-h, --help Show this help screen
- list current settings for all CPUs:
./odroid-cpu-control -l
- list current settings for CPU 3:
./odroid-cpu-control -l -c 3
- list current frequency for CPU 3:
./odroid-cpu-control -l -c 3 -f
- list current governor for CPU 3:
./odroid-cpu-control -l -c 3 -g
- set governor, min, max frequency for all CPUs:
./odroid-cpu-control -s -g "powersave" -m 300M -M 1G
- set governor, min, max frequency for cpus 1, 4, 5 and 6:
./odroid-cpu-control -s -g "powersave" -m 400M -M 1.3G -c 1,4-6
Installation: The simplest way to install this is to download it to /usr/local/bin
wget -O /usr/local/bin/odroid-cpu-control
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/odroid-cpu-control
Persistence: The best way to set the frequency/governor to be persistent on boot is to edit /etc/rc.local and add a call to odroid-cpu-control before exit 0. Example:
/usr/local/bin/odroid-cpu-control -s -g "conservative"
Also, please note that some distributions (Odroid included) have a script called /etc/init.d/ondemand which may set a different governor on boot. In order not to interfere with your setting, it's best to disable it:
sudo chmod a-x /etc/init.d/ondemand