
This repository contains the code to reproduce the experiments in "p-value Adjustment for Monotonous, Unbiased, and Fast Clustering Comparison"

Primary LanguagePython

p-value Adjustment for Monotonous, Unbiased, and Fast Clustering Comparison

This repository contains the code to reproduce the experiments in $p$-value Adjustment for Monotonous, Unbiased, and Fast Clustering Comparison.

Install the dependencies with conda:

conda env create -f ./environment.yml
conda activate p_value_ri

Compile our Cython implementation of the standardized mutual information:

python setup.py build_ext --inplace

Clone the code for other clustering comparison indices

git submodule update --init --recursive

The Monte Carlo and normal approximation to the PMI are implemented in clustering_comparison_measures.py. The experiments can be run using:

# Synthetic experiments in Figures 1, 2, 3
python synthetic_experiments.py

# Clustering experiments
python real_experiment_clustering.py --download
# Figure 4a and 4b
python real_experiment_clustering.py -r 1000 -o ./results/clustering.csv -d olivetti digits -a kmeans
# Appendix E Figure 5
python real_experiment_clustering.py -r 1000 -s -o ./results/clustering_spectral.csv -d segment texture -a spectral

# Community detection experiment in Figure 4c
python real_experiment_community_detection.py -c 30 -r 100

# Examples for type II bias in Table 2
python test_biases.py