
Very simple math translator to jvm bytecode

Primary LanguageJava

This code convert simple math to bytecode

$ java Mole <sm file>

after that, generated RunnableMath.class with some methods

one line sm code ("expression ;") is mathN method in this class


(455 + 3 + 7*2)*3/3;


  // Method descriptor #9 ()V
  // Stack: 1, Locals: 1
  public RunnableMath();
    0  aload_0 [this]
    1  invokespecial java.lang.Object() [11]
    4  return

  // Method descriptor #13 ()I
  // Stack: 20, Locals: 20
  public int math0();
     0  iconst_0
     1  istore_1
     2  ldc <Integer 455> [14]
     4  ldc <Integer 3> [15]
     6  iadd
     7  ldc <Integer 7> [16]
     9  ldc <Integer 2> [17]
    11  imul
    12  iadd
    13  ldc <Integer 3> [15]
    15  imul
    16  ldc <Integer 3> [15]
    18  idiv
    19  istore_1
    20  iload_1
    21  ireturn


Code for testing generated bytecode:

public class BCTest {

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		RunnableMath r = new RunnableMath();


When wrong package path, try using JTB_OPTIONS=-p mole in .settings/sf.eclipse.javacc.prefs


Append -p mole to Properties->JavaCC Options->jtb options->JTB_OPTIONS