
Efficient word counter for text files.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This utility implements a simple word counter for text files. The words to be counted are selected from a list contained in the file "dictfile" which must be present on the current directory. Only the first word of each line in the file is parsed by the program, all additional words are neglected.


For compiling simply type:


This command uses by default the GNU gcc compiler and compiles with full optimization options (-O3). The program has also been tested with the Intel icc compiler. It is likely not working on Windows. In order to test the correctness of the program with the input files test/*.txt use:

make check

The results of the test are written on the file test/CHECK.output In order to print out additional information on the program execution and turn on of debugging symbols, the program can be compiled in debug mode with:

make debug


Assuming that a text file "./dictfile" containing the dictionary is present in the working directory, use the word counter as follows:

./wordcount file1.txt file2.txt ...

An unlimited concatenation of input files can be given to the program. Otherwise standard input can also be used:

./wordcount < file.txt

or simply past the text after running the program and use CTRL+D when the text is finished. The output on stdout has the following format:

N1  \t word1
N2  \t word2
NN  \t wordN
NN1 \t total dictionary words
NN2 \t total words in the text


  • for speeding up calculations a builtin compiler function has been used. This is likely not working with the Windows compiler (not tested). The actual performance improvement derived by the use of this builtin has not been tested carefully and should be relevant only if the number of collisions in the hash table is very low.

  • the function for tokenizing the text uses a set of common word delimiters. The use of these delimiters hampers from counting words containing one or more characters present in the delimiters' set such as "o'clock" or "clock-maker".

  • the output of the program is not ordered aphabetically, but depending on the hash value. It would be better to have an ordered output for readability.

  • a function for computing the current size of the hash table is missing.

  • an appropriate rescaling of the hash table should be performed if the buckets are getting full. This rescaling involves also a rehshing of the keys.