
Minimal job monitor for Python processes

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


minjob is a simple, purely Python library which allows to monitor Python threads and processes. It restarts the processes it monitors when a fatal exception occurs and can smoothly terminate them.

This small library provides a simple way for dealing with fatal exceptions when running simple multi-thread/multi-process applications with high availability requirements such as market trading bots.

By default the library will print the logs of the failed jobs at {HOME}/.minjob.log.

Installation and Usage

Install the library within your favorite virtual environment or locally using:

pip install minjob

A simple usage of the library for adding a monitored process and thread goes like this:

from minjob.jobs import JobManager

def my_thread_func():
def my_process_func():
manager = JobManager(name="MyManager")
manager.add_process("MyProcess", target=my_process_func, daemonize=True)
manager.add_thread("MyThread", target=my_thread_func, daemonize=True)

# start all monitored jobs

# stop all jobs