VacationAPI is a RESTful web API built with ASP.NET Core that allows users to submit vacation requests and manage their vacation schedules.
To get started with VacationAPI, you can follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Open the solution in Visual Studio.
- Apply
in NuGet Package Manager to apply migrations and create local database. - Build and run the application.
- Use a tool like Postman to interact with the API endpoints. Or use Swagger for more user-friendly approach. (default page redirects to /swagger)
Bonus: Live deployment
(I deactivated the deploy for a while because I waste free resources. Coming soon!)
(charges money since September 2022 policy change) :(
(expired in 30 days) :(
This WebAPI uses PostgreSQL database. You can checkout the appsettings.json and choose your preferred connection string. The default database is hosted remotely on but you can setup on or even locally.
The API documentation is available through Swagger. You can access the Swagger UI by navigating to main page (I redirected /swagger to /# )
VacationAPI uses JWT authentication. To authenticate, you must first create an account by sending a POST
request to the /api/users/register
endpoint. You can then send a POST
request to the /api/users/login
endpoint to obtain a JWT token. You must include this token in the Authorization
header of your subsequent API requests.
Here's a list of the available API endpoints:
POST /api/auth/login
Authenticates a user and returns a JWT token for authorization on API endpointsPOST /api/VacationRequests
Allows a user to create a new vacation request.POST: api/Users/register
Registers a new user in the system.
GET /api/auth/checkauth
Checks if the user is authenticated via a Bearer JWT token and returns the username and role if the user is authorized.GET /api/VacationRequests/{username}
Returns a list of vacation requests made by a user with the specified username.GET /api/VacationRequests
Admin only. Returns a list of all vacation requests.GET /api/VacationRequests/holidays
Retrieves a list of national holidays for the current user's country.GET /api/VacationRequests/{username}/vacationdays
- Returns the number of available vacation days for a given year based on the user's vacation history.GET: api/User
Shows a list of all users in the system.
PUT /api/VacationRequests/{requestId}
Allows a user admin to update a vacation request.PUT /api/VacationRequests/{requestId}/approve
Approves a vacation request with the specified ID.PUT /api/VacationRequests/{requestId}/reject
Rejects a vacation request with the specified ID.
DELETE /api/VacationRequests/{requestId}
Deletes a vacation request with the specified ID. Only authenticated users with the "User" role can access this endpoint.DELETE: api/Users/{username}
Deletes a user with the specified username from the system (but queries password)
We recommend Swagger because it has user-friendly interface when doing API calls. First get your token and Authorize yourself.
For the vacationAPI project, the main dependencies used in the project are:
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
- Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
For the vacationAPI.Tests project, the main dependencies used in the project are:
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
- NUnit
- Moq
- NUnit3TestAdapter
- NUnit.Analyzers
- coverlet.collector
The VacationAPI project includes comprehensive testing to ensure its functionality and reliability. The unit tests have been written using NUnit, a widely-used testing framework for .NET applications that provides a range of features for writing and executing unit tests. In addition, the project also utilizes Moq, a popular mocking library that enables the creation of mock objects for testing.
The tests cover a wide range of scenarios, including validating input data, testing the API endpoints, and verifying the system's behavior under various conditions. These tests have been designed to run automatically as part of the build process and can be easily executed using the NUnit Test Runner. Through this thorough testing process, the VacationAPI project ensures a high level of quality and robustness.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
file for details.
Of course, feel free to customize the readme to fit the specific needs of your project. Let me know if you have any questions or if you need any help!