php2dynamics is a library that allows to Create, Update, Delete and Retrieve entities from your Microsoft Dynamics database into a PHP environment.
It uses SOAP communication and converts MS Dynamics Entities into a PHP Classes, also called Entities. Entity class can be found in php2dynamics/entities folder and extends Entity.class.php file.
Each Entity is characterized by a logical name, a primary key and a schema. You can found this information on your MS Dynamics database looking in Entities System View panel.
- Fork php2dynamics folder into your library workspace
- Edit php2dynamics/config.json file and insert your own username, password and url.
- Start create your own classes, by extend Entity class from php2dynamics/Entity.class.php.
If you need some example you can found it in "entities" folder.
Each Entity has following methods and attributes:
Logical Name: this is the name of the entity on MS Dynamics Primary Key: the field used by MS Dynamics to identify the entity. This is always a GUID value. Schema: the schema is an array of fields that composes the entity. Each field have to be characterized by his type.
Each schema field can have the following value:
"datetime" : a datetime value
"float" : a double value
"int" : an integer value
"string" : a simple or multiple string
"money" : a currency value
"option" : options always have alphanumerical value, that you can read from you MS Dynamics database.
"guid" : a guid is the ID of MS Dynamics Entities.
"guid_array" : an array of guid
The "guid" and "guid_array" values are expressed as an array with and "type" and "logicalName" parameter
State and Status: These two values represents the status of Entity. These fields are update by the *UpdateState*
Guid: a guid is an alphanumerical string that identifies the entity.
public function Create(): Create a new entity and returns his GUID, or the error string.
public function Update():
Update the entity identified by his GUID and returns *true*
or the error string.
public function Delete():
Delete the entity identified by his GUID and returns *true*
or the error string.
public function RetrieveSingle($guid): Retrieve an entity by his GUID. The entity returned must be mapped by a schema, or an empty object will be returned.
public function RetrieveMultiple($conditions): Retrieve one or more entity by an array of conditions. Each condition is an array of three values:
attribute: the column name
operator: Equal, Like, GreaterThan, LessThan, NotEqual
value: the search parameter.
e.g.: $conditions = array( array("attribute" => "name", "operator" => "Like", "value" => "Something%") );
public function UpdateState(): Update status of current entity.