
Build 4D apps using GitHub Actions

Primary Language4D

Building 4D applications using Github actions

This repository is companion to 4D Method (4D user group) Master Action Building with GitHub presentation.

It demonstrates how can combination of bash scripts, Windows BAT files, 4D code and power of GitHub actions be used to build and upload final archives and dmg files to SFTP destination.

If you are going to fork it, here is the list of repository secrets you need to define:

Secret name Description
BINARIES_PASSWORD Password to access location where 4D binaries are uploaded
BINARIES_USER Username for above
UPLOAD_USER Username of destination SFTP server for releases
UPLOAD_PASSWORD Password for above
UPLOAD_TEST_USER Username of destination SFTP server for test releases
UPLOAD_TEST_PASSWORD Password for above
MILANTOK GitHub token for GitHub account
DEV_MAC Base64 encoded zip archive of 4D Developer Professional licenses (macOS)
DEV_WIN Base64 encoded zip archive of 4D Developer Professional licenses (Windows)
MY_APPLE_CERTIFICATE Base64 encoded Apple Developer Certificate
MY_APPLE_CERT_PASSWORD Password for Apple Developr certificate
KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD Password for temporary keychain file

Here is the list of repository variables used in workflow for build and version numbers you need to define:

Variable Description
APP_BUILD_NUMBER Current build number, it will be automatically increased after each successful build
APP_VERSION Application version