Applied Epi - fake COVID linelist

A report dashboard constructed with mock linelist data from Applied Epi.

Project description

With a csv formatted COVID-19 linelist, this analysis checks the data for errors and constructs the following outputs:

  • Rolling graph of cumulative cases and hospitalisations from the last six months

  • Summary table of new cases and hospitalisations from the last 7 days

  • A plotly map of new cases from the last 7 days with locations

  • Demographic tables of cases from the last 6 months broken down by age, gender, race and ethnicity

  • A graph of the relative percentages of the most common symptoms in COVID cases from the last 6 months.


This dashboard has been constructed entirely in R and Rmarkdown. The following packages, available on CRAN are required:

  • tidyverse
  • readxl
  • here
  • runner
  • lubridate
  • ggmap
  • osmdata
  • plotly
  • showtext
  • gt
  • gtsummary
  • apyramid
  • reactablefmtr